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Case Report

알츠하이머병 병리소견을 가진 경도인지장애환자 1례에서의 SUPERBRAIN 다중영역중재프로그램의 효과
J Cogn Interv Digit Health. 2023 Jun;2(1):40-45 전문보기
문예솔, 염지영, 유라영, 정다원, 김건하, 정지향.

Modifying lifestyle-related risk factors in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) patients may prevent or delay dementia progression. The SoUth Korean study to PrEvent cognitive impaiRment and protect BRAIN (SUPERBRAIN) health through lifestyle intervention in elderly people at risk is a part of the World-Wide FINGERS Network in South Korea. In this case, we conducted a SUPERBRAIN-based multidomain intervention in an MCI patient confirmed with Alzheimer’s pathology. After an 8-week intervention, the post-treatment total Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status index score increased by 22 points, and the subdomain of memory, attention also improved. The SUPERBRAIN-based multi-domain intervention is an effective treatment on cognition even in amyloid positron emission tomography proven MCI patients.
Key Words: Alzheimer’s Disease; Mild Cognitive Impairment; Cognitive Intervention